Finding My Ministry in the Home

I listen a lot to gracefm, I love the pastors and they preach the Word of God! I always hear them talking about how we have to go out the preach the gospel with the people we see in day-to-day life. It always makes me feel guilty. When I worked I was able to be an example (I hope) of Christ. But now I’m home. Who am I supposed to witness to? Then I realized the Sweet Baby is my ministry. He is who I’m supposed to be an example of Christ to. Then I read These few sheep from I Take Joy. It was like confirmation. Check out this great page! Photo and story courtesy of I Take Joy.

~Our Sweet Life~ iStock_000004268946Small

In the midst of raising little ones, a mother may find herself at odds with the future. Often, dreams and gifts are shelved in preference of little people with constant needs.

Conflict ensues between the privileged nature of motherhood and the long pause in what was a productive, somewhat predictable life.

How does a mother measure success?

Some say life is made up of defining moments. A typical Sunday revealed itself as one of those moments for me. While the speaker expounded on the life of David, I did not expect to be singled out by the Lord. No one around me suspected the arresting that took place that Sunday morning – of my mind, will and emotions – held captive by a thought which transformed into a desire to take the Lord at His word – at home.

Mothers of young children can feel overlooked in the church setting. From the pulpit we hear of mission trips, service opportunities, small groups, worship bands and all sorts of public endeavors. But with a van full of car seats and nap times looming – I was in no place to serve in public. I knew it – but needed affirmation from above.

The speaker described in vivid detail the life of David. Not David the king, but David the shepherd. As the sermon unfolded – time stood still for me. I felt all alone – in a good way – personalizing the story.

David’s brothers mocked him for having such a small job – tending to his ‘few sheep’. They were fighting the big battles, had the upfront positions and represented little brother to the world. David had no voice for public ears. His thoughts were relegated to the mound of sheep off the beaten path of real life and no one expected more of him.

But David sought the Lord in his isolation. He used the years of serving and protecting his ‘few sheep’ as an opportunity to know God. He did have a voice – and an audience of ONE. On the backside of a mountain David learned to pray – not in the, ‘I’m asking for things’ kind of praying but in the, ‘Lord, I want to know your more ‘ fashion. He turned his thoughts into songs (Psalms) which soothed the sheep and brought heaven to earth.

David fought off lions and bears – archenemies poised to steal, kill and destroy his flock. His sheep knew his voice and he knew their limitations.

While David was being faithful in the little – God was training his hands for war and capturing the shepherd’s heart for His own. Culture would eventually be shaped and history rearranged by the actions of this unassuming sheep herder.

I remember the Sunday service, like it was yesterday. I left church with my mound of notes – and mulled over the facts, chewing on the hard truths of God’s ways.

Little becomes much – Up is down – The backside of the mountain is in the presence of the King.

My eyes were opened to the possibilities. What if?

What if I embraced this role of mom/shepherd tending to my ‘few sheep’ with everything I had? What if I learned to know God during these busy, quiet years? What if  I was all right with being misrepresented without a voice?

Fast forward a decade, or two, and this shepherd/mom is in a whole, new place. The little lambs are strapping men and lovely ladies. Some days I long for the season when life was simple, kids were little and God was so near.

I’m  thankful for a church leader who ministered the word of God in a timely fashion – fitly spoken for my hungry heart in need of a defining moment.

Young mom – use these tender days to watch over your little ones. Learn the dynamics of spiritual warfare by protecting them and get to know your God while in the quiet place on the backside of the world.

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
    he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.
 Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

– See more at:

I’m No June Cleaver!

How many times has four o’clock come and your still in your pj’s or sweats completely covered in baby/toddler mess? Do you feel guilty about having your hubby walking through that door and see you. You know he’s wondering, did she even shower? I say that’s between me and the shower but it doesn’t hurt as a stay at home mom to look somewhat put together. I know I’m always in a better mood when I look presentable – not like  I just rolled around in a pile of crushed/soggy graham crackers! I’m very guilty of wearing sweats all day. I mean I don’t want to wear something that’s nice because it’s just going to get messy. Review the rolling around in a pile of crushed/soggy graham crackers remark. I wake up and change from my pjs into my yoga pants and enjoy those days when I don’t need a ‘real’ bra. I hate wasting make up (or I’m just to lazy to want to take it off that night) on a day just a home. But then I realize I’m not trying for my husband. There’s no way I’ll look like June Cleaver by the end of the day but at least I’ll look like a better version of myself. 🙂  I found The Busy Mom’s 5 simple ways to pull yourself together. Check her page out for some really great stuff! Photo and tips all courtesy of The Busy Mom.



1. Swap the sweats for some leggings!  If you’re really feeling dangerous go with a bold color or maybe even a print.  They are just as comfy but a whole lot less frumpy and some even have the amazing capability to suck you in in ways you never thought would be possible again post-baby!  Just try them, and when you find a collection of them mounting in your closet, don’t say I didn’t warn you!

2. Show some love for layering! It’s like that little bit of extra effort to add more texture and color to my ensemble puts me in a whole different league.

3. Move over college sweatshirt, long tops are in the house!  If you are going to opt for leggings than some long shirts need to be an essential element of your wardrobe!  Whether you pair something short with a long tank top (as I mentioned above) or you get some shirts that are delightfully long all by themselves, they are the piece that will make your newfound love of leggings feel completely natural and comfortable.  Basically, if I’m shooting straight, leggings + a covered bum = splendor!

4. Trade the messy bun for a top knot!  Aren’t we just in luck that the top knot is in style right now?!  It is the quintessential, “I have not showered in two days so I piled all my greasy hair on the very top of my head” do, without looking like it!  Take advantage of this trend while we can ladies!

5. A little dab will do ya!  That’s right, I’m talking about make up! I’m not going to suggest that you put on a full face everyday, I’m just going to encourage three simple things-

  • a little blush dusted on cheeks and eyelids
  • lipstain (it can’t be rubbed off on your littles with precious kisses and it lasts all day!)
  • and  mascara

He Sees You

This was beautiful and from one of the blogs I follow, ...and a sprinkle of love. Check it out, for more encouraging posts from Rebecca.


As you begin a new week and you’re feeling the days are mundane and daunting remember…..

To the tired mama’s who watched the sun rise trying to rock a baby back to sleep-He sees you.

To the husband who works tirelessly to support his family but feels unappreciated at home-He sees you.

For the toilet, tub, and floor that need to be cleaned again-He sees you.

For the person sitting in the exam room wondering how they are going to handle this diagnosis-He sees you.

To the teen mom who is watching all her friends pack and leave for college-He sees you.

For the weary parents who are praying for a miracle-He sees you.

For weary children struggling, caring for their aging parents while caring for their own children-he sees you.

For the single moms wondering how to make your paycheck stretch even further-He sees you.

To those who feel weary, tired, and broken-He sees you.

Our Heavenly Father sees and loves His children. You’re not alone, Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged”. God is there, with you. The enemy’s whispers will fill you with doubt and his lies will make you feel like a failure but stay strong and courageous. The Lord is your peace (John 14:27) ,stronghold (Psalm 27:1), and your comforter (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

~Our Sweet Life~

No Sleep Makes for a Stressed Momma

I don’t know what is Sweet Baby’s deal but this past week he has been an awful day sleeper. Although I will admit, I would much rather prefer his day naps being screwed up as apposed to his night time sleep. This morning he slept for like 40 minutes. Then this afternoon he slept again for 40 minutes. He’s been awake for 2 hours now and refuses to go back to sleep. It has been wearing me thin! I gave my moby wrap to a friend who just had a baby, besides Sweet Baby is too big for it. So normally on days like this I’d put him in the wrap and walk around the house. I’d vacuum. Go for a walk around our block. Something to keep him content and my hands free. the new carrier I want to purchase is $110! Its rather pricey but I’m hoping to purchase it soon. Once I do I will give you my full review!

With Sweet Baby not sleeping its caused me to be very overwhelemed. Causing me to have an emotional breakdown on my poor husband last night. But after some much crying and the gentle support of my husband; I feel much better today! I am trying my best to take in every moment. Sweet Baby will only have this day one time. I found this beautiful poem.

you will never have this day with your  children again. Tomorrow, they’ll be a little older than they were today. this day is a gift, breathe and notice. smell and touch them; study their faces and little feet and pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. enjoy today, momma. it will be over before you know it.  -jen hatmaker

In the meantime Sweet Baby is demanding for my attention.


xo xo