Nursing Bra Essentials!

Its been nine months since I’ve been nursing but I have been wearing a nursing bra since my 2nd trimester of my pregnancy. For some reason normal bras were so uncomfortable when I was pregnant. So lest to say I miss my old bras like crazy. But I found my two favorite nursing bras. I purchased them at A Pea in a Pod. The Seamless Racerback Nursing Bra ($45) is one of my favorites.

Seamless Racerback Nursing Bra

It was super comfortable and I loved that you don’t buy it in cup sizes. You purchase it either in S, M or L but it grows with you as you grow. So I’ve only needed this bra through my whole nursing experience. It only comes in nude. Its clips down which is so nice. I had purchased one where you would pull up and I really didn’t like that style. especially when your still learing to nurse. That style makes it difficult to see and make sure baby is latched on correctly. But the clip down is so easy and convenient. It is also machine washable. As I grew sick of the nude color of my bra I decided to purchase a black nursing bra, same one just not a racer back like the nude bra. I purchased the Seamless Clip Down Nursing Bra ($45),

Seamless Clip Down Nursing Bra

Seamless Clip Down Nursing Bra

it was pretty much the same thing so I knew I was going to love the comfort of it. It’s so nice that these bra’s have lasted me so long and I hope that I  can use them come second baby. But if not, I know what bra I love. Check back for my review on the nursing pad essentials. I’ll give you a hint-Bamboobies!